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Top Level State Government

MDA: Executive Governors Office    |    Category: General General

Establish a Data Governance Office Submitted

Description: An Office of Data Governance should be established to lead efforts on the creation, implementation, and oversight of a data governance model that establishes authority, roles and responsibilities, management, and decision-making parameters related to the data created, collected, managed, or otherwise controlled by the state government.

The programs and work of this office will bring a more central focus to the quality, consistency, documentation, and availability of data, and the many ways in which it informs and influences how the state government carries out its mission.

The Office of Data Governance will lead agencies towards more optimal and enterprise-focused approaches to data management, efforts to improve the quality, utility and comprehensibility of data, and coordinates activities to maximize the extent of open data, data sharing, and use of enterprise data standards.
16-Jul-2023 Adamu Kazong (1) (0)
MDA Response
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